Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Be Thankful For What You Do Have

You know that old sayin' be thankful for what you have, because some where out there there are kids or people who have nothing. Well I tell you one thing I am very grateful for what I have. One of the things that I am grateful for is well my family, at times it may not seem as though I am, but the truth is I love them very much and I don't know what I would do without them...they stuck with me through all the hard times...and they have always been there for me. Most of you don't know but me and my sister don't exactly get along very well. Just as I thought things were gettin' better well they just didn't...I'm still not so sure what to do, or for that matter what I should do...I mean yes I love her a lot, it's just that sometimes she acts as though she is a child. Yeah I know I'm gettin' a little of my subject but just stay with me there's a point to this whole thing. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm thankful for a sister like her...she has helped my grow in more ways than one, yes you heard me say it, she's actually helped me out. Most people are not blessed with someone of this nature. You may ask how she has helped me out, well I will tell you, she's helped me out number one by caring for me. Yes I do admit at times it seems like she's being a little nosey or what not, and that's only because she cares. Yes there are those times that she is being nosey just to do it, but more often than not she's just looking out for me. The number two reason is she helped me out by showing me the type of people that I will encounter in youth ministry, cause yes there is goin' to be those parents or youth who are goin' to be just like her. You know the type I'm talking about the judgmental, whinny, fussy and just don't care about anybody but there selves, oh and the bossy loud type I can't forget about that...but yes as much as I hate to say it I'm thankful for her...it's like I said she has helped me grow, and for that I am very grateful. So know I guess I can just stop complainin' and start bein' thankful that I do have someone like her. If I didn't I wouldn't be prepared for the future and what it has in store for me. So the thing that I want to leave here today saying is don't complain about those little things that bother you or the people who may aggravate you, just be thankful that there is someone like that because some people don't have the privilege to encounter someone like this. Be thankful for what you do have because you truly are blessed.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spring Break!

Yeah ok so Spring Break was awesome! First of all I went to Beaufort with the Youth group...and my buddy Jamal came too! It was so fun, Mr. Jimmy's lesson's were really really good. The bad thing was that I got sick while I was there. And I just found out yesterday that I got Marjie, Berale and Mr. Jimmy sick as a result. Well I guess that's not so bad. I got to see Captain Bobby which was awesome! Even though I only got to see him once. Then on Monday Robby, Jon and Mrs. Sandra came down to Beaufort to surprise us. So yeah I got to spend some time with 'em. Well then after I came back from Beaufort I of course was still sick. But anywho, I had fun hangin' out with Robby, Marci and Jon. Oh and I had to do a project which was really long. I went to print it out at my Mom's only to find out that she didn't have any colored ink. So I went to my Dad's house, and guess what he didn't have any black ink, so me and Marjie went to Aiken on Saturday which was like the bussest night of the week because of all the last minutes Easter shopers. But we had lots of fun. The I pretty much stayed sick most of the time so Mom took me to the doctor's. I guess that's it, I was fun and I wish it wouldn't have flowen by so fast. I didn't even get to tell Robby bye cause I was sick that was a bumer!