Sunday, April 24, 2011

That Little Booger is Fast

Sunday a week ago my Pops came in the house and hollered upstairs to me to tell me he had a pet for me...he said it's even in a cage and everythin'! When I got down stairs to my amazement the pet in the cage was none other than a little baby squirrel. Redneck done caught a squirrel in a Corn Bin!

This surprised me for two reasons:

#1 --> David Williams hates squirrels...he says that they are pest. So I said to myself why on earth does he want his daughter to have one as a pet!

#2 --> I wondered how on earth did he catch the little booger! Cause them thangs are fast! But then again I guess nothin' is a challenge for a Redneck.

Now I have another pet...he's a cat and his name is Yeller. He spotted that little booger right off the bat! He would just sit there and stare at him! Of course all the while thinkin'...what is that and why is it in my house? Yes that's right Yeller is the king of the house...and I don't think that he's too happy that another animal has takin' over. But who know's maybe one day they will become best friends!

Now I told my sister about this little squirrel that is occupyin' the space above the sink in our kitchen. She told me as soon as I found out wether the squirrel was male or female I better let her know because she wanted to name it! So Pops finally told me the squirrel is a female. So Marci named her Ellie Mae, that's a good name for a squirrel caught out of a Corn Bin by a Redneck.

Naturally Marci wanted to see this squirrel so Ellie Mae ended up takin' the trip with us to Florida for our Easter Weekend. There she got to meet two new friends...Lucy Nell and Toby! Ellie Mae spent a good portion of her time on the balcony of Marci's apartment AKA "The Barn". That is where Toby and Lucy Nell first spotted her. And naturally they wanted to play with her, but seein' as how she's only about 5 inches long or so I wouldn't have it! So they stayed blocked behind the slidin' glass door where they could watch in amazement at the little creature.

So I figured that havin' Ellie Mae as a pet ain't such a bad idea at all! It's actually kinda fun feedin' the little booger! She goes crazy over that bottle of milk. Oh and she loves her Strawberries!

So the next time your wonderin' around a Corn Bin look in it you may find some of Ellie Mae's family! I mean come on you can't pass up that little cute face!

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