Dream Big

These people purdy much made me who I am today!

First there is my Pops:

Pops taught me a lot through out these many many many years but most importantly he taught me that without Faith or without God nothin' is possible.  He always use to tell me never forget your Faith and always always remember where you came from and who you are representing.  He taught me that life on a Farm can be all that you would hope it could be and then some.  He was the man who taught me how to shoot my first rifle when I was just a youngin'.  He was the man who bought me my first rod and reel and taught me how to use it at the age of 5.  That same man also taught me how to drive a tractor, a 4-wheeler, a lawnmower, a truck and a boat.  Of course he started out my love for George Strait and all of Country Music!  And most of all he taught me how to pick on them thar Yankees!  I love my Pops and all that he does for me.

"The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God will stand forever."
~Isaiah 40:8 ESV

Second There is my Mama:
Mama has been there with me through the good and bad times...she always believed in me and the person that I will one day become.  Me and my Mama recently went through an awful, what Captain Bobby would call, "Valley".  Mama was right there with me through it all.  Where most people would blame there daughter...she didn't she took my word for what it was and believed me and for that I am grateful!  She's the reason we both can move on.  No matter where life takes me I will always know that I'm Mama's little girl...I will always be Mama's Baby Girl and Mama's Featybug.   I love you Mama!

"The thief comes only to kill and steal and destroy.  I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly." 
~John 10:10

Then there is Marci:

Marci taught me the incorrect way to fish...and that's by throwing your little sister's favorite fishin' pole in the pond!  She taught me how to swing a baseball bat even though it ended with her in the house with a bloody nose.  She taught me how to line dance, which was a challenge I might add!  She taught me how to drive a stick shift on the back country roads.  She bought me my first pair of cowgirl boots that I love.  She inspires me to conquer my dreams and take chances without being afraid to make mistakes.  She's been my rock...and I'm so very proud of her and her accomplishments.  She's My Sister and My Friend I Love You Senior Airman Marci Williams!  Keep up the good work!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you."
~Jeremiah 29:11-12 ESV

Next there is Jimmy Steen:

Oh boy...where do I begin?!  The first year he came to my church I wouldn't speak to him at all not even if he tried his darndest to get me to.  Guess the joke is on him now cause he can't get me to shut-up!  Through the years he was at WFBC he taught me a lot...he taught me how to strive to be a better Christian.  One who both Loves and Fears God.  He's my mentor and my second father.  I really don't know what else to say, I could go on and on...but I will say this.  Mr. Jimmy, you may not think I listen to your wise words of advice, and I will say that yes at first I didn't, but now it's different.  Different in a since that what you were tellin' me all those years, it kills me to say but you were right.  Thank You for everything!

"Do not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
~Romans 12:2 ESV

Then there is Captain Bobby Graves:

Or shall I say Reverend Doctor Captain Bobby Graves?  I first met him at my home town church.  He was there for a Wild Game Super.  The greatest lesson that he taught me was even though times are tough God will always see you through no matter what.  And Captain Bobby knows a thing or two about God seeing you through things!  Captain Bobby has the kind of Faith that I wish one day I will have.  You know that type of Faith where you just walk up to a total stranger and say to them, "Let me tell you about my Jesus."  Those where the first words I ever heard him speak to me.  The one thing he left me with on that day I met him was..."Those Mountain Tops are Glorious, But it's in the Valley's We Grow."  I will always remember that. 

 "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."
~James 1:2-3 ESV

Last but not Least...Rhonda Pippen:
Wow...this remarkable Lady.  She was a remarkable sweet Lady with a tremendous amount of Faith and a substantial school teacher.  She and Lauren stayed after school with me countless times to help me with my school work.  She wouldn't give me a snack until I was done with my homework...gosh you gotta Love her!  She taught me a lot about Dinosaurs probably more than I ever wanted to know.  She showed me the Love of Christ...and it was through her I became a Christian myself.  You don't know how many nights I spent at the Pippen home with, who I would have after a while called Mama Rhonda, baking cookies, watchin' movies and my favorite learning about God.  She was the first of the group I like to call the Mama Group.  I love her and miss her dearly...but I know that she's with her Heavenly Savior she talked about constantly.  I will see you one day soon Mama Rhonda!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him."
~John 3:16-17 ESV