Because of my love for a certain actor on the TV Show NCIS, I decided that I would make my own set of rules just like Leroy Jethro Gibbs! I wanted 50 or so but I could only come up with 21.
Rule #1 --> Erika is ALWAYS certain situations.
Rule #2 --> Never turn your back on Cordell Walker.
Rule #3 --> Never touch Erika's MacBook...that is without gettin' permission first!
Rule #4 --> Never screw over your friends...God gave 'em to you for a reason.
Rule #5 --> Never take anything for granted. (Stole this from Gibbs)
Rule #6 --> Always bring your Bible to Church...cause after all you can't learn His Word without it.
Rule #7 --> Things happen for a matter how good or bad they are. Because these things are a blessin' from God.
Rule #8 --> Never go on long trips without your iPod and MacBook. They may come in handy.
Rule #9 --> Never harm Erika cause Ernest Cody Rish will beat your butt!
Rule #10 --> Never ever do anything embarrassin' around Jimbo because he will just use that information against you!
Rule #11 --> Cordell Walker and Leroy Jethro Gibbs are the two most awesomeness fictional characters ever! And no one should try and tell me any differently.
Rule #12 --> No matter how bad life can get...count it as Joy cause things could always be worse.
Rule #13 --> George Strait is the King of Country Music and don't try and tell me any differently!
Rule #14 --> Never skip a song on Erika's iPod, only she is allowed to do that...all other's will be dealt with,
Rule #15 --> Good thangs happen to those who wait.
Rule #16 --> Never mess with a Country Gals Pops...especially when she know's where he keeps his rifles.
Rule #17 --> Deer meat is the best meat don't try and tell me other wise.
Rule #18 --> Never go anywhere without your may come in handy.
Rule #19 --> Never touch my water bottle...I don't drink after anyone!
Rule #20 --> Get your facts straight first, never assume anything.
Rule #21 --> Sometimes you're wrong (I stole this from Gibbs' Rule #51)
And as you can see Yeller already broke one of these rules!