Thursday, September 13, 2007


WOO WHO!! Ok this time I am really goin' to a CLEMSON game! It's gonna be so great! CAN'T WAIT!!!! GO TIGERS

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Have TYou Ever Wanted Something So Much? And Then When You Finally Get It, It's Snatched Away Just Like That?

Well I have, now I'm not goin' to the game...and it really stinks!! I have to go to a little kids birthday party! When I would rather go to a game... well the truth is the little kid is my cousin. But this is probably the only game that we could have went to this season! Gosh I was so happy and then it got snatched way in the blink of an eye...I don't believe I will have a good time at this party...all I will be thinkin' about is how I could be at the game with Dana and Lauren if they're there. I so wanna go to that game!! I should have just said I would go by my would have been much easier. The thing is we agreed to go to the game before we got the call about the party...we already had plans to go! I had already told Lauren! I was goin' call Dana about it...I was lookin' forward to seein' him and Lauren this weekend. Mommy did say though that we can go again if they oppertunity comes which it probably won't cause let's face it I don't have that kind of luck...I guess I will be watchin' the game just like the regular people in front of the TV...which I won't get to see all of it cause the party is at 3 and the game starts at 1. So I'm gonin' to miss the best part! This really stinks!!!!!!!!!!

Clemson University Here I Come!

Yeah so Davina calls me today and ask me if me and Mommy would like to go to the Clemson game this weekend! Of course I was like YES! But Mommy she had to think about it. But I mean who would miss an oportunity like this?! To be there on there watchin' the Tigers play Louisiana-Monroe...who in the world is that!?! I just don't know any more. Well it should be and easy win! What's really great is I might get to see Lauren! And if Dana is there I might get to see him too...which I'm gonna call him tomorrow to see if he's goin' with Michael! I hope so that would be really awesome! Wow I haven't been to a Clemson game in forever! The last one I went to was with the FFA my Jr. year I think it was...yeah cause we didn't go me Senior year. It's goin' to be great! Well I guess that's it, I was so happy that I had to write about it!

Monday, September 3, 2007


Yeah ok so right now I'm watchin' the Tigers play thier first game of the season against FSU. Which could also be called the Bowden Bowl. It is going great so far, the score is 21-3 and Clemson is close to scoring again. What really sucks is I gotta get in bed soon! So I don't get to see the ending...but the good thing is we have DVR! What really isn't good is Clemson got an Email sent was a bomb threat so you could imagine what the security is like there tonight. I just love watchin' my Tiger's play ball! Anways so this weekend went well...I went Wagener First Baptist and got to see Dana which was good. I spent some time with my Mom and her husband. Watched the Nascar Race lastnight Carl Edwards, my favorite driver, got second so it moved him up in the standings. I finished getting my room together here at my Mom' it's a little more home to me. Now I got school tomorrow which I'm do not ready for because I'm used to wakin' up so late. Let's face it I need my beauty sleep. Well I guess that's it...GO TIGERS!!!