Thursday, September 6, 2007

Clemson University Here I Come!

Yeah so Davina calls me today and ask me if me and Mommy would like to go to the Clemson game this weekend! Of course I was like YES! But Mommy she had to think about it. But I mean who would miss an oportunity like this?! To be there on there watchin' the Tigers play Louisiana-Monroe...who in the world is that!?! I just don't know any more. Well it should be and easy win! What's really great is I might get to see Lauren! And if Dana is there I might get to see him too...which I'm gonna call him tomorrow to see if he's goin' with Michael! I hope so that would be really awesome! Wow I haven't been to a Clemson game in forever! The last one I went to was with the FFA my Jr. year I think it was...yeah cause we didn't go me Senior year. It's goin' to be great! Well I guess that's it, I was so happy that I had to write about it!

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