Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Another Boring Wednesday!

Yeah so it's just another boring Wednesday...not because it's Wednesday. It's because it's raining! There's nothing to do! But that's not what this is about...a lot has happened since the last time is was on here. Well first of all my youth minister just left not too long ago. Which is ok cause it was God's calling for him. I will have to say that at first I was really hurt by the whole thing. He's always been there for me through anything! Which yesterday I kind of felt bad, cause I got mad at him about something that I started to begin with. The whole thing was a joke...but it didn't turn out quite like I planned. I was hoping that he would catch onto it pretty quickly. But yeah it didn't work the way I planned it. Jimbo if your reading this, again I'm so sorry! I guess this could be a lesson learned for me. Well at least that's what Dana tells me. Oh yes my buddy Dana, he's so awesome! I love him to death! He's like an older brother to me. It's just so great to have him home! The best part is now he's a Christian so just about anytime we talk it's about Jesus or the Bible or what we went through that day, and let me tell you we both have our days where things don't go so well for us. Just like yesterday for me...but he was there with me. School was ok today I guess I didn't really learn anything other than I'm really no good in math. That stuff is hard! Last weekend I went to visit my Jimbo, it was fun I guess. He hits way too hard though! I guess me watching Walker Texas Ranger really isn't paying off like I thought it would...and that stinks! I don't care what Jimbo says Walker is way cooler than Superman! Yeah Jimbo I know Walker can't fly, but guess what Superman can' what can't Superman do? Ummm...ah ha! He can't ride a bull in under 8 seconds, yes I finally thought of one! GO ME! Ok I guess that's about it...I gotta go do the dishes before church! See ya later!

1 comment:

Fisherman For Christ said...

Hey girl, I like your blog, it is cool and so are you...I love you and you better behave yourself...I hope to see you soon...

Your friend in Jesus, Capt.Bobby G.