Sunday, May 6, 2007


Yeah ok so I was talking to Marjie and Jamal Thursday night at the Pizza Stop, we were just sitting around talking and stuff. You know about Jesus and stuff, and Jamal said something about...well I don't remember what it was. I do remember what I said, anyways I was like so proud of myself. We were talking about how Jesus is and how he see's all and can tell you the best path and stuff, and me being the big NASCAR fan that I am I said something about how spoters are for the NASCAR racer, the spoters know the best way to go and tell the drivers when it would be the best time to pass and when to pass. Well that's kind of how Jesus is except you know without the NASCAR. Anyways my point is Jesus is like a spoter he knows what he's doing and he knows what best for you and when things should happen. I really never thought of NASCAR that way, but now I do. I guess in some way things can relate to Jesus even when you think that they can't. Well I guess that's it for now. Always remember that Jesus knows best! Oh yeah and GO CARL EDWARDS! Oh and also Mr. Jimmy if your reading this, no you may not use my NASCAR example cause you totally don't like NASCAR and that's totally not cool!

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