Monday, September 3, 2007


Yeah ok so right now I'm watchin' the Tigers play thier first game of the season against FSU. Which could also be called the Bowden Bowl. It is going great so far, the score is 21-3 and Clemson is close to scoring again. What really sucks is I gotta get in bed soon! So I don't get to see the ending...but the good thing is we have DVR! What really isn't good is Clemson got an Email sent was a bomb threat so you could imagine what the security is like there tonight. I just love watchin' my Tiger's play ball! Anways so this weekend went well...I went Wagener First Baptist and got to see Dana which was good. I spent some time with my Mom and her husband. Watched the Nascar Race lastnight Carl Edwards, my favorite driver, got second so it moved him up in the standings. I finished getting my room together here at my Mom' it's a little more home to me. Now I got school tomorrow which I'm do not ready for because I'm used to wakin' up so late. Let's face it I need my beauty sleep. Well I guess that's it...GO TIGERS!!!

1 comment:

Fisherman For Christ said...

Hey there southern girl...How you doin? Thanks for the comment...I love your blog and you! I like to look at your blog site because there is a picture of you and I can see what a true southern Christian gal looks like...God bless and behave...

Capt. Bobby g