Monday, November 19, 2007


Yeah so the coach at WFBC thought that it would be cool if we had a tournament with all the other churches in town. So we did it, and played like 4 games. No they weren't in a row but they were close enough to wear me completely out! Me legs were so sore that I didn't go to school today. But never again will I do that. Well I might but I won't play that many of 'em though. It wasn't only that...when I was catching I almost got hit with the bat like a lot when they went to run. I was far enough back but it just keep coming for me. I think that maybe they hooked a magnet on it so that it would come straight for me. One really scared me cause it was like an inch from hitting my head. It was a wooden bat too! So that tells me that it was a guy who was doing it! They were after me! So that was my Saturday, all day was playing softball. Sunday was a little more relaxing all though I did help Poppy put out corn for the deer. Then I went to a youth event, where we had a campfire and we had 6 people come to know Christ which is like really awesome! Today well it was bad I woke up in pain from softball, so I didn't go to school. Then I had to meet Mommy out at her work at like 2 cause we had to get Davina's wedding dress ready for her photo shoot. That was hectic cause everything went wrong! First we didn't know that we had to make and appointment to take photos at Hopelands Gardens which is like really weird cause it's just pictures it's not like it was a wedding. That got Mom all in a mood which wasn't good cause she's really hard to get along with when she's in a mood. I guess Jimbo that's were I get it from. We finally got her to calm down though. After we got done with her pictures we went out to eat which was cool. Then I went back to Davina's to play Guitar Hero II which was like really awesome! Now here I am tired and still sore. All that walking in the gardens didn't help any either! Well I'm getting tired so I guess that's it for today!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So Yeah...

Well it's another week of school. I found out about two weeks ago that I have to take summer school classes. Which really stinks because that means no camp and no visiting Jimbo and his family as much as I'd like. I was really wanting to go visit him one Wednesday night. But who knows maybe I will be able to. Well we got our interim youth pastor, which I'm excited about because now we're one step closer to getting a permanent youth pastor. My best buddy Dana isn't restricted as much as he was, so now me and him can hang out more than ever, which I'm really excited about because that's more time for us to talk about Jesus and stuff. I have to remember that I'm supposed to take him putt puttin'. Which I will so lose! Anyways, so I went to Lugoff to visit Mr. Jimmy, Marjie was supposed to come with me but she's a bum! She went to a Clemson game instead, which kind of makes me wonder if she really likes those tigers...hmmmm. Just picking Marjie! I know that you are a big Carolina fan. Well I guess that's it, I have a lot to do before I can go to church. I gotta be there at 5, we're playing sports! yay!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


So today pretty much didn't go to well. First of all me, Marci and Poppy got into it before church! Out of all the times to get into an argument my family chooses right before church! The bad thing is what I thought was gone is now back and is slapping me right in the face. Right when I was getting used to it not being there, this morning it appears...which really stinks cause that's another thing I have to worry about! Man when am I gonna get a break?! I think that I know what I have to do, which I should have just came out and done it today...which how wouldn't they know each time I come home I take something else to my Mom's. But anyways...maybe I will bring it up one day, just not right now. I guess the bright side of things is I'm going to Lugoff this weekend, maybe then I can get away from all of this and just have a good time, maybe just maybe. Well I guess that's it...