Friday, April 18, 2008


I went to Nashville last week! It was awesome! We took my sister Marci who is about to leave for basic training for the Air Force. It's been something that she's wanted to do for a while now. Of course one of the things she wanted to do before she left was to tour Nashville. So we took her. We went to the Ryman Auditorium, Country Music Hall of Fame, the Wax Museum, Cooter's, and of course Reba's house, farm and studio. Starstruck is the name of her studio as well as her farm. At the studio's Marci walked in and went to the front desk acting like she owned the place. She asked for Reba. If that's not a big Reba fan then I just don't know what is. We also went to a visitor center where Kenney Chesney was renting out the building joined to it to practice for a tour. We got to hear him live! That was pretty awesome...even though we didn't get to see him. All in all it was a pretty awesome trip, and the best thing was I got to spend time with my sister before she leaves. This is for my sister Marci. I love you Marci, stay safe, write often, and remember those country roots you can from. Oh and don't bring home no Yankee that's the last thing we need is for another sister to be married to a Yankee!

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