Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Southern Life

How do you describe growing up in the South? Well there is no other way of putting it other than it's pertnear awesome! Who wouldn't like livin' within walking distance of a nice pond or growin' up knowin' how to drive a tractor before the age of ten? It was the first thing on wheels that I learned how to drive...ahhhh the memories. But it's not as glam as you may think...you see when you learn how to drive said tractor you then directly sign yourself up for a life time of driven that tractor from then on. Which I can't complain much driven a tractor can put your mind at total ease...no wonder my Pops can always be found on one.
Speakin' of livin' in the South...I've been up North. Cause you see there is one thing that you may not know about this Country Girl from South Carolina...she has Yankee relatives that moved from this peaceful land up into the hustle and bustle of New Jersey. It's bout near close as you can get to New York with out actually livin' there. But it's too crowded for my taste. I like the peacefulness of a small town. All I can say is thank God I'm a Country Girl!

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