Monday, November 19, 2007


Yeah so the coach at WFBC thought that it would be cool if we had a tournament with all the other churches in town. So we did it, and played like 4 games. No they weren't in a row but they were close enough to wear me completely out! Me legs were so sore that I didn't go to school today. But never again will I do that. Well I might but I won't play that many of 'em though. It wasn't only that...when I was catching I almost got hit with the bat like a lot when they went to run. I was far enough back but it just keep coming for me. I think that maybe they hooked a magnet on it so that it would come straight for me. One really scared me cause it was like an inch from hitting my head. It was a wooden bat too! So that tells me that it was a guy who was doing it! They were after me! So that was my Saturday, all day was playing softball. Sunday was a little more relaxing all though I did help Poppy put out corn for the deer. Then I went to a youth event, where we had a campfire and we had 6 people come to know Christ which is like really awesome! Today well it was bad I woke up in pain from softball, so I didn't go to school. Then I had to meet Mommy out at her work at like 2 cause we had to get Davina's wedding dress ready for her photo shoot. That was hectic cause everything went wrong! First we didn't know that we had to make and appointment to take photos at Hopelands Gardens which is like really weird cause it's just pictures it's not like it was a wedding. That got Mom all in a mood which wasn't good cause she's really hard to get along with when she's in a mood. I guess Jimbo that's were I get it from. We finally got her to calm down though. After we got done with her pictures we went out to eat which was cool. Then I went back to Davina's to play Guitar Hero II which was like really awesome! Now here I am tired and still sore. All that walking in the gardens didn't help any either! Well I'm getting tired so I guess that's it for today!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So Yeah...

Well it's another week of school. I found out about two weeks ago that I have to take summer school classes. Which really stinks because that means no camp and no visiting Jimbo and his family as much as I'd like. I was really wanting to go visit him one Wednesday night. But who knows maybe I will be able to. Well we got our interim youth pastor, which I'm excited about because now we're one step closer to getting a permanent youth pastor. My best buddy Dana isn't restricted as much as he was, so now me and him can hang out more than ever, which I'm really excited about because that's more time for us to talk about Jesus and stuff. I have to remember that I'm supposed to take him putt puttin'. Which I will so lose! Anyways, so I went to Lugoff to visit Mr. Jimmy, Marjie was supposed to come with me but she's a bum! She went to a Clemson game instead, which kind of makes me wonder if she really likes those tigers...hmmmm. Just picking Marjie! I know that you are a big Carolina fan. Well I guess that's it, I have a lot to do before I can go to church. I gotta be there at 5, we're playing sports! yay!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


So today pretty much didn't go to well. First of all me, Marci and Poppy got into it before church! Out of all the times to get into an argument my family chooses right before church! The bad thing is what I thought was gone is now back and is slapping me right in the face. Right when I was getting used to it not being there, this morning it appears...which really stinks cause that's another thing I have to worry about! Man when am I gonna get a break?! I think that I know what I have to do, which I should have just came out and done it today...which how wouldn't they know each time I come home I take something else to my Mom's. But anyways...maybe I will bring it up one day, just not right now. I guess the bright side of things is I'm going to Lugoff this weekend, maybe then I can get away from all of this and just have a good time, maybe just maybe. Well I guess that's it...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Another Boring Wednesday!

Yeah so it's just another boring Wednesday...not because it's Wednesday. It's because it's raining! There's nothing to do! But that's not what this is about...a lot has happened since the last time is was on here. Well first of all my youth minister just left not too long ago. Which is ok cause it was God's calling for him. I will have to say that at first I was really hurt by the whole thing. He's always been there for me through anything! Which yesterday I kind of felt bad, cause I got mad at him about something that I started to begin with. The whole thing was a joke...but it didn't turn out quite like I planned. I was hoping that he would catch onto it pretty quickly. But yeah it didn't work the way I planned it. Jimbo if your reading this, again I'm so sorry! I guess this could be a lesson learned for me. Well at least that's what Dana tells me. Oh yes my buddy Dana, he's so awesome! I love him to death! He's like an older brother to me. It's just so great to have him home! The best part is now he's a Christian so just about anytime we talk it's about Jesus or the Bible or what we went through that day, and let me tell you we both have our days where things don't go so well for us. Just like yesterday for me...but he was there with me. School was ok today I guess I didn't really learn anything other than I'm really no good in math. That stuff is hard! Last weekend I went to visit my Jimbo, it was fun I guess. He hits way too hard though! I guess me watching Walker Texas Ranger really isn't paying off like I thought it would...and that stinks! I don't care what Jimbo says Walker is way cooler than Superman! Yeah Jimbo I know Walker can't fly, but guess what Superman can' what can't Superman do? Ummm...ah ha! He can't ride a bull in under 8 seconds, yes I finally thought of one! GO ME! Ok I guess that's about it...I gotta go do the dishes before church! See ya later!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


WOO WHO!! Ok this time I am really goin' to a CLEMSON game! It's gonna be so great! CAN'T WAIT!!!! GO TIGERS

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Have TYou Ever Wanted Something So Much? And Then When You Finally Get It, It's Snatched Away Just Like That?

Well I have, now I'm not goin' to the game...and it really stinks!! I have to go to a little kids birthday party! When I would rather go to a game... well the truth is the little kid is my cousin. But this is probably the only game that we could have went to this season! Gosh I was so happy and then it got snatched way in the blink of an eye...I don't believe I will have a good time at this party...all I will be thinkin' about is how I could be at the game with Dana and Lauren if they're there. I so wanna go to that game!! I should have just said I would go by my would have been much easier. The thing is we agreed to go to the game before we got the call about the party...we already had plans to go! I had already told Lauren! I was goin' call Dana about it...I was lookin' forward to seein' him and Lauren this weekend. Mommy did say though that we can go again if they oppertunity comes which it probably won't cause let's face it I don't have that kind of luck...I guess I will be watchin' the game just like the regular people in front of the TV...which I won't get to see all of it cause the party is at 3 and the game starts at 1. So I'm gonin' to miss the best part! This really stinks!!!!!!!!!!

Clemson University Here I Come!

Yeah so Davina calls me today and ask me if me and Mommy would like to go to the Clemson game this weekend! Of course I was like YES! But Mommy she had to think about it. But I mean who would miss an oportunity like this?! To be there on there watchin' the Tigers play Louisiana-Monroe...who in the world is that!?! I just don't know any more. Well it should be and easy win! What's really great is I might get to see Lauren! And if Dana is there I might get to see him too...which I'm gonna call him tomorrow to see if he's goin' with Michael! I hope so that would be really awesome! Wow I haven't been to a Clemson game in forever! The last one I went to was with the FFA my Jr. year I think it was...yeah cause we didn't go me Senior year. It's goin' to be great! Well I guess that's it, I was so happy that I had to write about it!

Monday, September 3, 2007


Yeah ok so right now I'm watchin' the Tigers play thier first game of the season against FSU. Which could also be called the Bowden Bowl. It is going great so far, the score is 21-3 and Clemson is close to scoring again. What really sucks is I gotta get in bed soon! So I don't get to see the ending...but the good thing is we have DVR! What really isn't good is Clemson got an Email sent was a bomb threat so you could imagine what the security is like there tonight. I just love watchin' my Tiger's play ball! Anways so this weekend went well...I went Wagener First Baptist and got to see Dana which was good. I spent some time with my Mom and her husband. Watched the Nascar Race lastnight Carl Edwards, my favorite driver, got second so it moved him up in the standings. I finished getting my room together here at my Mom' it's a little more home to me. Now I got school tomorrow which I'm do not ready for because I'm used to wakin' up so late. Let's face it I need my beauty sleep. Well I guess that's it...GO TIGERS!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

August In A Nut Shell!

Yeah ok so I haven't written on my blog in a while so...this is what happened in August. Well I guess I should start out with August 1st...this is the day that Dana a person who has been like a brother to me came home from prison. I didn't get to see him though until the next day August 2nd. It was so great to see him...I mean cause I haven't seen him in like 10 years. The best thing about Dana is now he is a believer in Jesus Christ. I remember when I was what 9 or so he wasn't really the best person in the whole know with the kind of people that he hung around with. It's just really awesome to see him again! Then there was babysittin' which is what I spent most of my summer doing. Which the kids they really weren't that bad it was just that it was kind of boring. Now here I am on August 27th and have already finished one week of school. Let me tell you my Friday classes man are they boring, 2 hours and 50 minutes of History is enough to make you wanna fall asleep. I guess I can't complain too much because everyday that I go to school I get out before it's all good. Although I do miss a lot of my home town people...last year I didn't miss them all that much but this year it has changed and I don't know why. I guess mainly because I was used to seein' the practically everyday during the summer. Last year I saw 'em every Wednesday and Sunday. Now I can only see them on some Sunday and Wednesday. I also hate leavin' Dana in he says I'm the only friend that he has that's a christain and won't try to get him to do somethin' that he doesn't want to. Well I guess that's all for now.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

It's Not Easy Being Me

Looking at my life you may think that I have a good life and that everything is all hunkydoory, but what you don't see is the part of me when I'm with my family. Yeah sure we look like a good family. Are we? NO!! Now I'm beiging to think that part of the reason we're not is because, well...Christ is not in our home. I was thinking just today when the Pastor was preaching, and I really can't say that he's there. If he was there my family would not being going through some of the stuff that it is. So no it's not easy being me. I have sister's who always have something hurtful or mean to say. Or who always, and this is a big one, contridicts them selves. So it's pretty much just as the Pastor said this morning, we have a worldy family and not a Godly one.

You know a funny thing is all the youth in my youth group, well not all of 'em but quite a few argue over who get's to be the new Erika. Well here's a thing for ya if you want to be me go right on ahead you can also start living in my family. Boy will that change your mind very fast. All the youth in the youth group also think that I'm Mr. Jimmy's favorite, but the thing is I'm not. Yeah, yeah I know I pick with 'em about it because well that's just another thing my family has a problem with is picking favorites. I guess it's just that part of me wishing that I was someones favorite. And that my friends is why I pick about me being Mr. Jimmy's favorite. I guess that's really the only person I have left to choose from.

Yeah it's Mother's Day, and what am I doing? Sitting here writting this. Why? Because my sister's adviously don't care about being with there Mother. I guess part of that is based on the past. A very wise person once told me that the past is history the future is what's important. Well I guess that's it, I will probably be heading out of here about supper time which is when we, well excuse me Marci and Davina take Mommy out along with the third wheel.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Yeah ok so I was talking to Marjie and Jamal Thursday night at the Pizza Stop, we were just sitting around talking and stuff. You know about Jesus and stuff, and Jamal said something about...well I don't remember what it was. I do remember what I said, anyways I was like so proud of myself. We were talking about how Jesus is and how he see's all and can tell you the best path and stuff, and me being the big NASCAR fan that I am I said something about how spoters are for the NASCAR racer, the spoters know the best way to go and tell the drivers when it would be the best time to pass and when to pass. Well that's kind of how Jesus is except you know without the NASCAR. Anyways my point is Jesus is like a spoter he knows what he's doing and he knows what best for you and when things should happen. I really never thought of NASCAR that way, but now I do. I guess in some way things can relate to Jesus even when you think that they can't. Well I guess that's it for now. Always remember that Jesus knows best! Oh yeah and GO CARL EDWARDS! Oh and also Mr. Jimmy if your reading this, no you may not use my NASCAR example cause you totally don't like NASCAR and that's totally not cool!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hey Y'all

Yeah so I'm out of school for the summer! This summer is going to be so awesome! First of all I'm going to Camp at Look Up Lodge, my best friend is a counsler there this year will be her first year of doing it. But still I think that it will be so awesome. And then second of all I hope that I can go to Beaufort I just gotta beg my Poppy, cause let's face it I miss my Captain Bobby and Bernie. I'm also goin' to do a lot of fishin' and goin' to the lake. So I see like a bunch of Fish Fries in my future! I just love Fried Fish, hushpuppies, french fries and sweet tea! Anywho, for all of you who read my last blog about my sister, things are going pretty well. We don't fight that much but there are times that she really gets on my nerves. All I have to remember is that: It's In The Valley's We Grow.
I really don't know why but I have been watching a lot of Friends lately, and let's face it it's not the best show to watch. So Mr. Jimmy if your reading this yes that's right I caved! They were just sitting there calling out my name so I gave in...the temptation was just so strong! And not to mention Chandler Bing is just so awesome! He's just so hilarious!!! And the rest of them are ok I guess but Chandler is my favorite. I guess that's it, I really don't know what else to say cause I'm like runnin' out of things to say!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Be Thankful For What You Do Have

You know that old sayin' be thankful for what you have, because some where out there there are kids or people who have nothing. Well I tell you one thing I am very grateful for what I have. One of the things that I am grateful for is well my family, at times it may not seem as though I am, but the truth is I love them very much and I don't know what I would do without them...they stuck with me through all the hard times...and they have always been there for me. Most of you don't know but me and my sister don't exactly get along very well. Just as I thought things were gettin' better well they just didn't...I'm still not so sure what to do, or for that matter what I should do...I mean yes I love her a lot, it's just that sometimes she acts as though she is a child. Yeah I know I'm gettin' a little of my subject but just stay with me there's a point to this whole thing. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm thankful for a sister like her...she has helped my grow in more ways than one, yes you heard me say it, she's actually helped me out. Most people are not blessed with someone of this nature. You may ask how she has helped me out, well I will tell you, she's helped me out number one by caring for me. Yes I do admit at times it seems like she's being a little nosey or what not, and that's only because she cares. Yes there are those times that she is being nosey just to do it, but more often than not she's just looking out for me. The number two reason is she helped me out by showing me the type of people that I will encounter in youth ministry, cause yes there is goin' to be those parents or youth who are goin' to be just like her. You know the type I'm talking about the judgmental, whinny, fussy and just don't care about anybody but there selves, oh and the bossy loud type I can't forget about that...but yes as much as I hate to say it I'm thankful for's like I said she has helped me grow, and for that I am very grateful. So know I guess I can just stop complainin' and start bein' thankful that I do have someone like her. If I didn't I wouldn't be prepared for the future and what it has in store for me. So the thing that I want to leave here today saying is don't complain about those little things that bother you or the people who may aggravate you, just be thankful that there is someone like that because some people don't have the privilege to encounter someone like this. Be thankful for what you do have because you truly are blessed.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spring Break!

Yeah ok so Spring Break was awesome! First of all I went to Beaufort with the Youth group...and my buddy Jamal came too! It was so fun, Mr. Jimmy's lesson's were really really good. The bad thing was that I got sick while I was there. And I just found out yesterday that I got Marjie, Berale and Mr. Jimmy sick as a result. Well I guess that's not so bad. I got to see Captain Bobby which was awesome! Even though I only got to see him once. Then on Monday Robby, Jon and Mrs. Sandra came down to Beaufort to surprise us. So yeah I got to spend some time with 'em. Well then after I came back from Beaufort I of course was still sick. But anywho, I had fun hangin' out with Robby, Marci and Jon. Oh and I had to do a project which was really long. I went to print it out at my Mom's only to find out that she didn't have any colored ink. So I went to my Dad's house, and guess what he didn't have any black ink, so me and Marjie went to Aiken on Saturday which was like the bussest night of the week because of all the last minutes Easter shopers. But we had lots of fun. The I pretty much stayed sick most of the time so Mom took me to the doctor's. I guess that's it, I was fun and I wish it wouldn't have flowen by so fast. I didn't even get to tell Robby bye cause I was sick that was a bumer!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why Do Things Happen As They Do?

You know people often ask me why things happen as they do. They also ask why God allows those things to happen to us. Last night in youth Mrs. Kelley talked about just that. You know it's funny how people always talk about the Valley's and stuff to young people, I guess that's mainly because we are always going through hard times. I know I have went through a lot of hard times in my life. But you know what they help us grow. Captain Bobby has always told me that "The Mountaintops are Glorious, But It's In The Valley's We Grow".

It's In The Valley's We Grow
Sometimes life seems hard to bare, full of sorrow trouble and woe,
It's then; we have to remember that it's in the valleys we grow.
If we always stayed on the mountaintop and never experienced pain,
We would never appreciate God's love and would be living in vain.
We have so much to learn and our growth is very slow,
Sometimes we need the mountaintops but it's in the valley we grow.
We do not always understand why things happen as they do,
But we can be very sure of one thing. Our Lord will see us through.
Our little valleys are nothing when we picture Christ on the cross,
He went through the valley of death; His victory was Satan's loss.
Forgive us Lord, for complaining when we're feeling very low.
Just give us a gentle reminder that it's in the valleys we grow.
Continue to strengthen us, Lord and use our life each day,
To share your love with others and help them find their way.
Thank you for the valleys, Lord, for this is one thing we know,
The mountaintops are glorious but it's in the valleys we grow.
Captain Bobby Graves

This poem above is my favorite poem in the whole wide world! I read it everytime I go through those tough times or as we call it Valley's. I guess the reason we grow more and more towards God when we go through those valley's is because we always turn to God when we go through those times. The bad thing is we only turn to God when we go through bad times and we don't use him every day, we only use him when we need him. That's not good because we're supposed to use him everyday. Sometimes God leads use through valley's and sometimes we don't want to go through them. Take Abraham for example in Genesis chapter 22. God test Abraham and that to me was a valley for him because he was told by God to take his only son and sacrifice him before the Lord. As Abraham went to slay his son God stoped him and told him not to lay a hand on his son. Then in the bushes was a ram, and not just any ram but a perfect ram. My point is when God takes you through Valley's we won't leave you, he will provide every thing you need just as he did for Abraham. So when your going through those Valley's just remember God is with you and he will not leave you. Also always remember: Those Mountaintops are Glorious, But It's In The Valley's We Grow.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

What's The Deal?

You know what I have always wondered? I have always wonder why there has to be that little bit of conflict between siblings. You know like with a sister and a sister or a brother and a sister and so on. I mean when it's all over and done with and you go your separate ways you always end up not ever seeing each other again. I'm worried that my relationship with my older sister is becoming just that. I don't want it to but it just is. I have tried to fix the relationship with her but it seems like it's just me doing the fixin', and it just doesn't work that way it takes two to fix a relationship between two sisters. I know what the Bible says about loving one another cause I grew up hearing that a lot. But sometimes it's just hard when that one person is always treating you so badly and always makes you feel like your little. It is stated in 1 Timothy chapter 4 verse 12:"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in purity and in faith." Yeah that's easy to say but sometimes it's just hard. I really just don't know what to do anymore, I don't know if I should give up or to just keep on trying. It seems like the more I try the worse it gets. So I'm not sure, maybe it's just better off being that way. My older sister she calls me bad names and such, and then maybe an hour or so later she's wanting me to do something for her and I'm sorry it just doesn't work that way. I guess all I can do now is pray.